Culebra Snorkel Gear Rental

Top-Notch Snorkel Gear Rental in Culebra Island
Now that You have made it to Culebra Island by yourself, it is time to explore its vibrant waters responsibly.
I offer snorkel gear rental and beach items at Tamarindo Beach. If You'll like to snorkel in Culebra Island by yourself, I'll provide all the safety info before You get in the water and will provide you with quality equipment and a safety flotation device.
I also have beach chairs and umbrellas for rental.
If You are already in Culebra Island and want this service, feel free to book your rental online!

The typical Snorkeling Gear Kit consists of a diving mask, snorkel, a pair of flippers, and a flotation device. All sizes available
Snorkeling Gear will be delivered at Tamarindo Beach, Culebra, from 7:30 am to 2 pm. 2 pm is the maximum time to use the equipment at Tamarindo Beach.
At reservation, make sure to provide Rafy with the following:
Shoe size for each participant
Have you been snorkeling before?
Please hydrate appropriately before going snorkeling. We highly recommend that you skip this activity if you are hungover.